Sonneveld Group is an international company that develops innovative solutions for the bakery sector and the closely-related food industry. They offer technical support aimed at realising ideal process, bread and pastry quality. Sonneveld Group develops innovative bread and pastry concepts. Sonneveld Group is a subsidiary of Orkla Food Ingredients. Orkla is a leading supplier of branded consumer goods to the grocery, out-of home, specialised retail, pharmacy and bakery sectors. The company has locations in The Netherlands, Belgium, the United Kingdom, France, Russia, China, Scandinavia and Hungary.
Cloud security and increasing connectivity
IT is an important element in Sonneveld's business operations. The production process is continuously monitored and the IT environment provides support for the sales and administration departments. Due to high dependence on available connectivity and the increasing use of cloud-based applications in particular, Sonneveld needed an extensive analysis of their IT security and network infrastructure through an IT risk assessment.
“Thanks to Nomios Poland's Managed firewall service, we no longer have to worry about anything that has to do with firewall management. This saves a lot of time. With this cost-efficient solution we strengthen our IT security structurally.” - Ismail Yasemin, CIO at Sonneveld
Firewall management: a business challenge
During the risk assessment stage the network infrastructure, configuration and firewall software were analyzed by Nomios Poland cyber security specialists. Among other findings, an upgrade of the firewall software and configuration was required. After carrying out this review, it became apparent that maintaining the Firewall software and ensuring the the configuration was updated and optimized on a constant basis was a unnecessarily time-consuming process for Sonneveld. With the Managed firewall services from Nomios Poland, this issues has been solved. Nomios Poland's security specialists manage and monitor in real-time all the firewall configuration and activities.
“Nomios Poland’s industry expertise gave us a lot of confidence during the initial engagement phase and they clearly demonstrated their expertise in the area of cyber security. In a short time we knew how critical network elements could be better secured and optimized. Nomios Poland is therefore the logical choice for Sonneveld to be entrusted with the management of our firewalls.” - Ismail Yasemin, CIO at Sonneveld
An additional element of the Nomios Poland managed firewall solution is the recently introduced extended firewall reporting service. Thanks to regular reporting, additional insights are provided into firewall activities and suggestions provided on remedial actions. As a consequence, Nomios Poland provides better insight into cyber threats as well as an overview of security activities and truly becomes a permanent and trusted partner in the field of cyber security.
Do you have a project you would like to discuss?
Give us a call or leave a message. We are looking forward to learn about your security project, infrastructure challenges or any other inquiries.